Personal websites:
Official sites around the world:
- Indian Official website of Transcendental Meditation, which lists access to MT in all countries and continents
- Arab official website: التأمل_التحاوزي
- Czech official website: Transcendentální meditace
- Danish official website: Transcendental Meditation
- Dutch official website: Transcendente meditatie
- Finnish official website: Transsendenttinen meditaatio
- French official website
- French official website "For a consciousness-based education"
- German official website: Transzendentale Meditation
- Hebrew official website: מדיטציה טרנסצנדנטלית
- Italian Official website: Meditazione trascendentale
- Japanese official website: 超越瞑想
- Norwegian official website: Transcendental meditasjon
- Polish official website: Medytacja transcendentalna
- Portuguese official website: Meditação transcendental
- Russian official website: Трансцендентальная медитация
- Spanish official website: Meditación trascendental
- Swedish official website: Transcendental meditation
- U.S. official website: Transcendental Meditation (TM)
- Transcendental Meditation for Women
- Vietnamese official website: Thiền siêu việt