God's Role in Conflicts
DR HAGELIN: ‘Maharishi, this is an interesting question on many people’s minds. “During conflicts people pray to God for victory. Both sides are convinced God is on our side. God is universal, God is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscience, as you said. So whose side is God really on when soldiers go to war?”’
MAHARISHI: "God is well aware of the hypocrisy of man. You can’t hide behind the name “God” and do wrong things — you know? He has set the laws: As you sow, so shall you reap. Period!
As you sow, so shall you reap
As you sow, so shall you reap. This is the kindness of God, who has given man that freedom. You like — what you like, you can do. You like, you can do. But what you do, you cannot undo the result of your own doing. You have to bear the fruits of your doing. As you sow, so shall you reap. As you sow — it’s a law. It’s a universal law. It’s a universal law.
"God is not after each man: You do this, you do this, you don’t do this, you don’t do this. No, no. God is God, Administrator of the galactic universe! He rules by one law. The law is: Freedom to you, do what you want to do, and you will get the results of what you do, that’s all. You can fool yourself, but you cannot fool the Almighty Intelligence, the Administrator of the universe, the Light of God."
You can fool yourself, but you cannot fool the Almighty Intelligence, the Administrator of the universe, the Light of God
---2 April 2003 Global Stellite Press Conference
QUESTION: How come that so many wars throughout history have been fought in the name of God, even so the message about God is supposed to be about peace?
MAHARISHI: "There are two words: one is knowledge and the other is ignorance. Either a man has knowledge or he is ignorant.
An ignorant man, he will do everything in the name of God and everything will be wrong.
One cannot avoid the consequences of one's doing. If one does wrong, one has to suffer. If one does right, one has to enjoy. Whether he is a Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu or a Japanese or Chinese or Buddhist, whatever. The fruit of one's Karma has to be borne by anyone.
And it is Law, it is the Will of God: As you sow, so shall you reap. Otherwise God will become partial. If he forgets the wrong doer, then what will he do to the right doers?
God is God - impartial, in favor of everyone. And in favor of everyone is that phrase: What you do, you reap the consequences of your doing, because that's what you demanded from your doing."
What you do, you reap the consequences of your doing, because that's what you demanded from your doing
---Notes from Maharishi's World Press Conference, 8.1.2003