Deepak Chopra's tribute to Maharishi (February 5, 2008)
Deepak Chopra about Maharishi
Deepak Chopra was close to Maharishi from 1984 to 1994, during this period he will participate in the renewal of Ayur-Veda (traditional Indian medicine unknown until then). On the February 5, 2008, the day of the death of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Deepak Chopra writes a new page on its website, stating laconically:
February 5th, 2008
Dear Friends,
Maharishi, the Guru from whom I learned everything took “Mahasamadhi” (the big meditation) on the evening of February 5, 2008.
(This page will be displayed until 2012)
web-archive-org-web-20080214234758-deepakchopra-com-mahasamadhi.pdfThe official website of Deepak Chopra facelift in 2012 and all the old pages disappear. There is only this image capture archived by Wikipedia.
Mallika Chopra in June 2017 speaks about how TM (Meditation here stands for Transcendental Meditation) changed and transformed Deepak Chopra.
Deepak Chopra writes and publishes in February 2008 two other texts on "The Maharishi Years – Recollections of a Former Disciple by Deepak Chopra" and "The Three Maharishis", you will find here the original texts as they have been published then on his official website.
1 - web-archive-org-web-20080212141446-deepakchopra-com-the-three-maharishis.pdf
2 - web-archive-org-web-20080214093409-deepakchopra-com-the-maharishi-years-a-disciple-.pdf