David Lynch on the unified field of all laws of nature

Video transcription :

There's an ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness inside each one of us. (0:07)
This pure consciousness is called by modern physics, the unified field. (0:13)
It's at the base of all mind and all matter.
And they now say, modern science says, (0:19) all of matter, everything that is a thing emerges from this field. (0:23) 
And this field has qualities like bliss, intelligence, creativity, universal love, (0:32) energy, peace.
And it's not the intellectual understanding of this field, (0:38) but the experiencing of it that does everything.
You dive within and transcending, (0:46) experiencing this field of pure consciousness, and you enliven it, you unfold it, it grows. (0:54) 
And the final outcome of this growth of consciousness is called enlightenment. (0:59) 
Intuition grows.
This field is a field of pure knowingness. You dive in there, (1:05) you sort of just know how to go. You know how to solve solutions.
It's like an ocean of solutions. (1:11) 
The enjoyment of the doing, the enjoyment of life grows huge.
People look like friends and not like (1:20) enemies.
It's a beautiful, beautiful thing.
And it's us, that level of life.
We are all one.
We're one.

CLAIRE HOFFMAN « THE GREAT BEYOND I ARGUED WITH DAVID LYNCH ABOUT MEDITATION. HE WAS RIGHT », Rollingstone.com, JANUARY 18, 2025, <www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/david-lynch-meditation-interview-1235240219/ >