Vedic principle of administration - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is widely regarded as one of the foremost scientists in the field of consciousness.
Video Transcription:
Question: This question Maharishi, also about the economy: Is it possible that one approach to the eradication of poverty will work in all different types of government systems, such as capitalism, communism, etc., or will a variety of approaches need to be created?
Maharishi: No, all variety of approaches of approaches have one common basis. Variety of approaches means you try to enliven the green leaf, you try to enliven the red flower, and you try to enliven the fruit and branches. All this different approaches are a waste of time.
The Vedic principle of administration is: “Administer the root to enjoy the fruit”. Handle that one thing: field of consciousness, field of the self of everyone, field of intelligence of everyone. Handle that, by handling which everything else will be spontaneously, automatically get handle for the best interest of the individual and of the cosmos. One approach, different approaches are a waste of life. It’s a waste of life.
Administer the root
Maharishi: A great exhortation of the Vedic administration is: “Atma vare drishtavya shrotavya mantavya nididhyasyitavya." Atma, the Self of everyone, has to be seen, has to be realized, has to be thought over, and has to be put to practice. One thing and then life will be in heaven.
Atma, the Self of everyone, has to be seen, has to be realized, has to be thought over, and has to be put to practice. One thing and then life will be in heavenThe master key will open all the closed locks. Consciousness, Intelligence, the Self, the Unified Field, quite a lot has been honoured from this level of Self referral unified field by physics, by chemistry, by mathematics, by physiology. Vedic education, Vedic health care, Vedic agriculture, and Vedic defence.
The Vedic formula for defence: Avert the danger
The Vedic formula for defence is: “Avert the danger before it comes.” “Heyam dukhamana agatam” is this three words “Heyam dukhamana agatam”: “Avoid the danger that has not yet come.” Let not the enemy be born for you. Ban the birth of an enemy. That is prevention oriented administration. Ban the birth of an enemy. Not the enemy has come, and has discord you, and you run after the enemy. No, don’t allow the enemy to come in the first place. That is Vedic defence. Invincible prevention oriented administration. Prevention oriented administration and all the ins and outs of this prevention oriented perfect ideal defence system, they are all mentioned in the Vedic literature.
Vedic literature, we have brought it out, we are establishing it. And the world will be forever a place for angels to come and live here. Of course they live as guests in the homes of human beings. But that is the world we want to create. And we are on it. Because the knowledge is there, programs are there, and our willingness is there, the desire of the people is there, it is just a matter of little magnitude around the globe, and soon we will have it.